One region, all voices



Latinoamérica21 (L21) is a media and content platform that brings together a broad community of experts and academics who produce analysis and opinion texts on political, economic, and social issues in Latin America. Through the free dissemination of highly qualified and diverse points of view, we seek to contribute to the improvement of the critical opinion of citizens on the main issues taking place in the region.

We also seek to foster democracy and dialogue, looking to a culture of peace and non-violence. We want to promote freedom of expression in line with the objectives of Communication for Development of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

L21 currently has a team of 15 people, including editors, journalists, and academics, and more than 300 specialized columnists in the region, which has led us to become a bridge between academia and the wider audience.

The diversity of backgrounds and points of view of our contributors also seeks to advocate a pluralistic environment and greater gender equity, as well as a more inclusive communication that encourages the participation of minority groups in the region.

The content produced is published on the L21 website in Spanish, Portuguese, and English and on our media partner network, which comprises several of the region’s leading newspapers. The path we have followed in these years has positioned us as a collaborative, independent, and pluralistic media of reference, which advocates the dissemination of content that reflects on regional and global events.

The opinions expressed in the articles represent the personal view of the authors, not that of L21.

“Communication and the media are at the heart of promoting sustainable development and democracy. The right to freedom of expression just as the right to freedom of information underpin a free, pluralistic, inclusive and independent media environment.”

UNESCO, 2017



knowledge about Latin America at a regional and global level, through the publication of texts of analysis, opinion, and scientific dissemination, as well as contents in different formats elaborated by academics and experts on the region.


critical analysis of our audience and Latin Americans in general on subjects related to the regional reality, through the plurality of our content, which covers the various ideological spectrums within democratic limits.


dialogue, freedom of expression, the defense of human rights, equality, and, ultimately, democracy in Latin America.



Latinoamérica21 is also a communication consultancy. We provide advice and services to academic institutions, international organizations, and political foundations. We collaborate in the communication and dissemination of international scientific congresses.

If you are eager to know more about L21, send us an email:


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Journalist, Master in Journalism from the University of Barcelona and in Latin American Studies from the Complutense University of Madrid.
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Journalist, Master in Journalism from the University of Barcelona and in Latin American Studies from the Complutense University of Madrid.
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Periodista y editor de multimedia. Fue productor en BBC Mundo (Londres). Máster en Periodismo por Universidad de Barcelona-Columbia University. Premio Rey de España de Periodismo 2016.
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Periodista y editor de multimedia. Fue productor en BBC Mundo (Londres). Máster en Periodismo por Universidad de Barcelona-Columbia University. Premio Rey de España de Periodismo 2016.
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Political scientist. Professor at the State University of Northern Fluminense – UENF (Brazil). PhD in Political Science from the University of Rio de Janeiro Research Institute – IUPERJ (currently IESP/UERJ). Postdoctoral degree at the Ibero-American Institute of the University of Salamanca.
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Political scientist. Professor at the State University of Northern Fluminense – UENF (Brazil). PhD in Political Science from the University of Rio de Janeiro Research Institute – IUPERJ (currently IESP/UERJ). Postdoctoral degree at the Ibero-American Institute of the University of Salamanca.
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Journalist graduated from the School of Communication and Arts of the University of São Paulo (ECA/USP). Editor in the international section of the newspaper Estado de São Paulo (Estadão). She was an editor for UOL Notícias.
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Journalist graduated from the School of Communication and Arts of the University of São Paulo (ECA/USP). Editor in the international section of the newspaper Estado de São Paulo (Estadão). She was an editor for UOL Notícias.
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Political scientist. Professor at the Univ. of Valencia (Spain) and external lecturer at the Univ. of Frankfurt. Doctor in Rule of Law and Global Governance, Univ. of Salamanca. Specialized in political elites, representation, party systems and comparative politics.
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Political scientist. Professor at the Univ. of Valencia (Spain) and external lecturer at the Univ. of Frankfurt. Doctor in Rule of Law and Global Governance, Univ. of Salamanca. Specialized in political elites, representation, party systems and comparative politics.
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National Coordinator of Electoral Transparency for Mexico and Central America. Master in Governance, Political Marketing and Strategic Communication from King Juan Carlos University (Spain). University professor.
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National Coordinator of Electoral Transparency for Mexico and Central America. Master in Governance, Political Marketing and Strategic Communication from King Juan Carlos University (Spain). University professor.
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PT Investigador en opinión pública, encuadramiento discursivo en los medios y ciencias sociales computacionales. Director Ejecutivo de la encuestadora IPSE.
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PT Investigador en opinión pública, encuadramiento discursivo en los medios y ciencias sociales computacionales. Director Ejecutivo de la encuestadora IPSE.
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Periodista especializado en comunicación estratégica y marketing digital. Experiencia en marketing de contenidos, creación de campañas publicitarias y organización de eventos.
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Periodista especializado en comunicación estratégica y marketing digital. Experiencia en marketing de contenidos, creación de campañas publicitarias y organización de eventos.
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Master's student in Political Science at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO). Graduated in International Relations from the Brazilian Institute of Capital Markets (Ibmec-RJ).
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Master's student in Political Science at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO). Graduated in International Relations from the Brazilian Institute of Capital Markets (Ibmec-RJ).
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Political scientist. Professor of International Relations at Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) and in the Postgraduate Program in Political Science at UNIRIO. PhD in Political Science from the Complutense University of Madrid.
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Political scientist. Professor of International Relations at Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) and in the Postgraduate Program in Political Science at UNIRIO. PhD in Political Science from the Complutense University of Madrid.
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Economist. Deputy Director of research of markets and sustainable investments at Dow Jones. Post-graduate degree in Economics and International Business from the Faculty of Economics of the Hochschule Schmalkalden (Germany).
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Economist. Deputy Director of research of markets and sustainable investments at Dow Jones. Post-graduate degree in Economics and International Business from the Faculty of Economics of the Hochschule Schmalkalden (Germany).
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Politólogo egresado de la Univ. Central de Venezuela y la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Master en Estudios Latinoamericanos, Universidad de Salamanca. Analista de asuntos parlamentarios.
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Politólogo egresado de la Univ. Central de Venezuela y la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Master en Estudios Latinoamericanos, Universidad de Salamanca. Analista de asuntos parlamentarios.
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Adjunct Professor of Political Science at Valencia College (Orlando, Florida). PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Carabobo (Venezuela). Chair of the Latinx Studies Section of LASA.
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Adjunct Professor of Political Science at Valencia College (Orlando, Florida). PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Carabobo (Venezuela). Chair of the Latinx Studies Section of LASA.
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Director of CIEPS - International Center for Political and Social Studies, AIP-Panama. Professor Emeritus at the University of Salamanca and UPB (Medellín). Latest books: "The profession of politician" (Tecnos Madrid, 2020) and "Traces of a tired democracy" (Océano Atlántico Editores, 2024).
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Director of CIEPS - International Center for Political and Social Studies, AIP-Panama. Professor Emeritus at the University of Salamanca and UPB (Medellín). Latest books: "The profession of politician" (Tecnos Madrid, 2020) and "Traces of a tired democracy" (Océano Atlántico Editores, 2024).
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Senior Research Associate at the Real Instituto Elcano and professor at several universities. PhD in Contemporary Latin American History from the Instituto Universitario de Investigación Ortega y Gasset of the Complutense University of Madrid.
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Senior Research Associate at the Real Instituto Elcano and professor at several universities. PhD in Contemporary Latin American History from the Instituto Universitario de Investigación Ortega y Gasset of the Complutense University of Madrid.
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Community manager of L21's networks in English. Student in the Master in International Relations at the Institute of Translators, Interpreters and International Relations - ITIRI (Strasbourg, France).
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Community manager of L21's networks in English. Student in the Master in International Relations at the Institute of Translators, Interpreters and International Relations - ITIRI (Strasbourg, France).
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Graphic designer, illustrator, poster artist and plastic artist, self-taught
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Graphic designer, illustrator, poster artist and plastic artist, self-taught
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PhD student in the Area of ​​Political Sciences and Administration at the University of Salamanca. Master in Political and Electoral Analysis at the Carlos III University of Madrid.
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PhD student in the Area of ​​Political Sciences and Administration at the University of Salamanca. Master in Political and Electoral Analysis at the Carlos III University of Madrid.
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Professional with more than 13 years in the world of journalism, communication and translation. He has worked for BBC News Mundo and the Catalan newspaper ARA, among other media.
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Professional with more than 13 years in the world of journalism, communication and translation. He has worked for BBC News Mundo and the Catalan newspaper ARA, among other media.
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Doctoranda en Ciencia Política en el Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Políticos de la Univ. do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (IESP-UERJ). Magíster en Ciencia Política por la Univ. Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO).
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Doctoranda en Ciencia Política en el Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Políticos de la Univ. do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (IESP-UERJ). Magíster en Ciencia Política por la Univ. Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO).
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Graduate in International Relations from the National University of Rosario. Professor assigned to the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations of the National University of Rosario. Member of the CARI Young Group and the Latin American Affairs Studies Committee (CEAL) - CARI.
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Graduate in International Relations from the National University of Rosario. Professor assigned to the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations of the National University of Rosario. Member of the CARI Young Group and the Latin American Affairs Studies Committee (CEAL) - CARI.