One region, all voices

Spring Meetings: frustrations in four seasons

Despite recognizing the climate concern, the IMF and the World Bank continue to prioritize immediate needs instead of considering the imbalances generated by the oil model in the medium and long term.
Climate Change
Energy Transition

Dehumanizing Discourse and Repression in Cuba

In Cuba, the official discourse of intolerance is directly intertwined with the dehumanization of those perceived as “others”, thus feeding a climate of political repression. This phenomenon is rooted in historical events that span more than six decades.

Javier Milei’s 120 days: a déjà vu?

Milei has established a model of unconditional alignment with the “Western world”, in particular with the United States and Israel, which is consolidated with the request to join NATO.

Biden Should Undo Trump’s Mistakes in Latin America

The presence in Latin America of China, Iran, Russia or any other non-Western actor need not be the sole purpose of U.S. foreign policy toward Latin America.

Climate change

We need more gender equality to save the planet

To save the planet, it is a priority to make the role of women visible, promote gender equality in all its dimensions, and achieve their representation and full participation in decision-making.

The inseparable connections among climate change, migration, and the environment

The affected people, predominantly from the global South, in their attempt to reach the United States or Europe, may inadvertently contribute to additional environmental concerns along their route, particularly in vital areas to the ongoing efforts to fight against climate change.

“One Health” as a pillar of the Loss and Damage Fund

Promoting sustainable practices and awareness of the connection among human health, animal health, and the environment are crucial to mitigating losses and achieving prosperity and sustainability in the Americas.

Democracy challenges

Populism as a democratic response

The growing support in several countries for populist leaders may be worrying. However, it is plausible to think that it is a response consistent with the basic beliefs of societies affected by a process of growing economic inequality and social exclusion.

Corruption, Democracy, and the Taboo of Talking About It

Only two countries in the region do not rank lower in the Corruption Perceptions Index 2023 (CPI), which ranks 180 countries and territories worldwide, according to Transparency International's latest report.

Democracy is losing ground in the world:...

The last two decades have witnessed a broad reversal of democracy in the world. Fifteen countries out of 86 have lost their democratic governments. Today, a high proportion of the world's population — around 70% — live under semi-democratic or outright autocratic regimes.

Latin America’s resilient democracies

The democratic paradigm was installed in Latin America with greater aplomb than in other regions during the third wave of democratization. But it is currently suffering from corruption, drug trafficking, the far right, authoritarian leftists and inequality.


Stigmatization, Disinformation and Conflict 

Social networks have facilitated an extensive production of inaccurate or false information that is reproduced in society and endangers the lives of social leaders.

Digital gangsters

Hate speech generates engagement, a phenomenon that can be measured by the interaction of network users, and produces information that increases the big data of huge platforms.

The strange case of the 9,000 missing dead in Cuba

At the beginning of 2022, the percentage of fully immunized Cubans reached more than 90%. How can we explain that in 2022 there was an excess of between 9,000 and 12,000 deaths?

Fox News — Dominion: Consequences of disinformation in electoral processes

Fraud is one of the most attractive and harmful narratives in the context of electoral processes.

Publisher recommends

Publisher recommends

Dollarization in Argentina and why you shouldn’t put tractor tires on...

Dollarization was the core element in Javier Milei's campaign and, undoubtedly, one of those pragmatic proposals that most resonated with the Argentine electorate. What would dollarization of the Argentine economy imply?
Jerónimo Giorgi

The most read articles

“Politics is returning to one-man, autocratic solutions”

Luis Guillermo Solís Rivera, president of Costa Rica from 2014 to 2018 and professor at the University of Costa Rica, talks to Manuel Alcántara, one of the great experts on Latin American politics.  

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Profesora de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá) y candidata a Doctora en Derecho por la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Especializada en movimentos migratórios, estudios de género y política venezolana.
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Cientista político y economista. Doctor por la Universidad de Toronto. Editor Senior en Global Brief Magazine. Especialista en Diseño de Investigación Social en RIWI Corp. (Real-Time Interactive World-Wide Intelligence).
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Cientista política. Profesora e investigadora de la Universidad del Estado de Río de Janeiro (UERJ). Doctora en Ciencia Política por IUPERJ (actual IESP / UERJ). Investigadora del Centro Brasileño de Relações Internacionais (CEBRI) - Núcleo Europa.
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Investigador Asociado del Centro de Estudios de Estado y Sociedad - CEDES (Buenos Aires). Autor de “Latin America Global Insertion, Energy Transition, and Sustainable Development", Cambridge University Press, 2020.
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Asesora de ciencia y políticas en el IAI (Instituto Interamericano para la Investigación del Cambio Global) y miembro del Consejo Internacional de la Sociedad Global de Migración, Etnicidad, Raza y Salud.