One region, all voices

Decline of the rule of law in Latin America: an irreversible trend?

The rise of authoritarianism, restrictions on fundamental rights and the ineffectiveness of the justice systems are factors contributing to their decline.

The new term of Nicolás Maduro and its impact on Brazilian foreign policy  

The best way to maintain balance in international relations is to refrain from interfering in the internal affairs of other nations. The risk of failure is significant, and no interventionist action can be justified, regardless of its origin.

Canada in Latin America: the decline of the migration oasis myth under U.S. influence  

Canadians' support for new immigrants entering the country has gradually deteriorated since the pandemic, following a pattern of incitement of anti-immigrant sentiment by right-wing politicians.

Transitions from a Democratic Government

The world is seeing the emergence of characters who challenge the status quo, promote anti-establishment agendas, and promise what they call a 'true democracy,' albeit one characterized by authoritarian overtones.

Climate change

Goodbye winters?

With radical changes in climate, our habits, perceptions, and reactions to the causes should change. But is that what public opinion data tell us?

Why should we talk about climate justice?

The notion of climate justice brings to the table the unequal historical and present responsibilities of countries, companies, and individuals regarding the climate crisis.

Brazil: an environmental disaster foretold

Southern Brazil is underwater. What was exceptional is now part of the new normal. Adaptation, climate emergency plans and the valuation of ecosystems must be incorporated into policy. It is about the world we will leave to our sons and daughters.

Democracy challenges

Compulsory voting and the challenges of democracy in Latin America

Compulsory voting is a common feature in Latin America: 13 countries in the region have decided that suffrage is not only a right, but...

Ideas to save democracy (also in Latin America)

Make no mistake: democracy is not a social welfare program, but primarily a political system for making collective decisions peacefully.

Precarious states

In Latin America, the absence of state control—or, if preferred, the state’s precarious capacity to delineate its territory and exercise sovereignty under international treaties—is stark.

Democracy is in decline in Latin America....

There is a consensus. Rescuing democracy requires strengthening the institutions that are its pillars, which in turn depend on a society that trusts them.


Elections 2024: the risks of disinformation

The risk of polarization is that it generates a social fracture that could lead us to an all-or-nothing result. The vote would not be for the support or rejection of a political platform, but a tool to silence those voices with which we differ.

Latin America in the face of climate change

The synergy between collective awareness and concrete political action is emerging as one of the keys to effectively addressing environmental challenges, aiming to mitigate their adverse effects and promote sustainable development.

Disinformation as a global risk in 2024: novelty or tradition?   

The phenomenon of disinformation is nothing new. What distinguishes it today is the omnipresent presence of the Internet and social networks, which have radically transformed the way we access information.

Digital gangsters

Hate speech generates engagement, a phenomenon that can be measured by the interaction of network users, and produces information that increases the big data of huge platforms.

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Would “Community Notes” be a real solution to guarantee freedom of...

Either because of the lack of transparency of how this model actually works, or due to the type of the data, it is difficult to assume that the “Community Notes” are more democratic than the professional data verification system.
Jerónimo Giorgi

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Professor at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá) and PhD candidate in Law at Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Specializing in migration movements, gender studies and Venezuelan politics.
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Political scientist and economist. PhD from the University of Toronto. Senior Editor at Global Brief Magazine. Social Research Design Specialist at RIWI Corp. (Real-Time Interactive World-Wide Intelligence).
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Political scientist. Professor and researcher at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). PhD in Political Science from IUPERJ (current IESP / UERJ). Researcher at the Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI) - Núcleo Europa.
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Associate Researcher at the Center for the Study of State and Society - CEDES (Buenos Aires). Author of "Latin America Global Insertion, Energy Transition, and Sustainable Development", Cambridge University Press, 2020.
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Science and policy advisor at IAI (Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research) and member of the International Council of the Global Society on Migration, Ethnicity, Race and Health.