One region, all voices


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Latin America and the integral development

The updating of the concept of 'development' has, at this time, direct implications regarding the debate on what direction to give to Latin American societies.

Jerónimo Giorgi


Healing connections: Pets and plants as mental health protectors

Studies have shown that petting an animal can reduce levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, while increasing the production of oxytocin, known as the love hormone.

Jerónimo Giorgi

Indigenous villages
Indigenous villagesBiodiversity

Why are Indigenous lands key to conserving biodiversity and mitigating climate change?

True inclusion implies respecting the diversity of visions and allowing Indigenous peoples to be the protagonists of their own development, without imposing conservation models.

Jerónimo Giorgi

Donald Trump
Donald TrumpAuthoritarianism

Trump: a spokesman for anger

These types of politicians are endearing, not because their voters expect significant changes in the substantive aspects of their lives, but because their main function is to punish the establishment.

Jerónimo Giorgi


Peace and Nature: Reflections from Imperfection

COP16 brought to the debate on biodiversity conservation discussions and reflections that have been addressed by the field of study called “environmental peace building”.

Jerónimo Giorgi


What has become of urban development in Panama City?

Thirty-five years later, the promise of liberal democracy to achieve greater progress and welfare contrasts with the general problems of Panama City.

Jerónimo Giorgi