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Alexandre Branco-Pereira

Professor at the University of Brasilia. Doctor and master's degree in Social Anthropology from the Federal University of São Carlos. Member of the Wenner-Gren Foundation and former member of the Social Sciences Platform in Humanitarian Action at the University of Sussex. Founder and member of the coordination of the National Migrant Health Front (FENAMI).

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Canada in Latin America: the decline of the migration oasis myth under U.S. influence  

Canadians' support for new immigrants entering the country has gradually deteriorated since the pandemic, following a pattern of incitement of anti-immigrant sentiment by right-wing politicians.

The worrying presence of the U.S. in Brazil’s migration policy

The U.S. government intervenes in the implementation of public policies in Brazil by funding and structuring migrant assistance services, limiting access to such assistance to certain nationalities and segmenting their rights.

Migrants in Brazil mobilize for health policies

The role of mobilizations has been important in driving health policies for migrant populations in Brazil, which in turn also benefit nationals.