One region, all voices


The progressive paradox: Petro’s regressive measures against Venezuelan migration

President Petro has aligned his narrative with the Bolivarian government's by attributing migration to the economic sanctions imposed by the United States in 2019.

Fugitive Bolsonaristas seeking refuge in Argentina

In May 2024, it became known that several people convicted or investigated for participating in the anti-democratic acts of January 8, 2023, had managed...

Migration in Venezuela’s election campaign: a blow against Maduro

It is no coincidence that, after so many years of ignoring the immigration issue, the creation of a public agency to address this problem is announced in the middle of the campaign

The worrying presence of the U.S. in Brazil’s migration policy

The U.S. government intervenes in the implementation of public policies in Brazil by funding and structuring migrant assistance services, limiting access to such assistance to certain nationalities and segmenting their rights.

Flight to freedom: the triggers of the recent mass exodus from Cuba

Approximately 600,000 Cubans were intercepted at the southern border since October 2021, a higher number than any other mass exodus in Cuba's history.

We are the region that migrates the most

At the end of 2020, more than a quarter of the world's migrant population lived in the Americas, meaning that migrants comprised 7% of the region's total population.