One region, all voices


The consequences of two coup attempts: the case of Jair Bolsonaro and Pedro Castillo 

The theory of domain of the fact, a figure of criminal law, could be applied in Bolsonaro's case: it allows holding accountable whoever has decisive power over a criminal act.

How do Brazilians perceive the climate emergency?

The climate emergency is a force that is already redefining the present. It demands immediate responses that avoid zero-sum games between environmental protection and development.

Chinese Investments in Brazil: Opportunities for a Sustainable Future

In the context of a shared agenda focused on sustainable and technological development, Brazil and China can move towards partnerships that strengthen their bilateral relations and their position in the world.

Brazilian immigrants and the increase in anti-immigration discourse in Portugal

Given the continuing migratory flows and the growth of the far right in the country, it is likely that immigration will remain a central issue in Portuguese political debate.

Brazil and China’s Renewed Partnership Must Tackle Deforestation

Brazil has already demonstrated that it is ready to embrace a climate-resilient future; with China's support, this goal can become a reality.

Heading to the Senate: Presence and representation of Black women in Brazil

In the current political landscape, two Black women stand out as viable candidates for progressive Black women to occupy Senate seats.