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Climate change

Vulnerabilities exposed by sea level rise

In Panama, between 2% and 3% of the currently existing land area will be affected by sea level rise by 2050.

Agri-food Trade: Latin America at the Crossroads of Climate Change

We must consider how to carry out the transition without harming subsistence economies or the income derived from the export of extensive agricultural production.

Spring Meetings: frustrations in four seasons

Despite recognizing the climate concern, the IMF and the World Bank continue to prioritize immediate needs instead of considering the imbalances generated by the oil model in the medium and long term.

Panama Canal suffers from environmental crisis

The lack of water for the normal operation of the Panama Canal, as well as the losses due to the reduction in the crossing of ships has the country on alert. However, the link between environmental deterioration and the economy has been on the national agenda since the 1970s.

Climate change also causes migration

Hunger, food insecurity and the rise of various diseases caused by climate change, as well as the global loss of biodiversity, force millions of people to leave their homes every year.

The impact of heatwaves on health

The temperature recently has risen faster than in any other period on record, leading to an increase in the frequency of so-called "heat waves". These represent a serious threat to the health of the world's population.