One region, all voices


Is health promotion possible on a planetary scale?

Various international forums and organizations warn of the need to adopt a health perspective that incorporates the challenges of the climate change.

The Challenges of Bridging Science With The Wisdom of Indigenous Peoples

Coauthor Fany Ramos Quispe In view of the need for a dialogue in which a science can be built that considers the different fields of knowledge with equity, spaces for inter-scientific dialogue are opening up.

Cultural diversity is also biodiversity

In Latin America there is a great cultural wealth of ways of relating to the environment. Over the years, populations have constantly adapted to nature.

Transdisciplinary science is key to achieving sustainability

Coauthors Camellia Kodia, Jihye Hwang, Rebecca Barnes Transdisciplinary science seeks integrated effort of different actors to create joint and diverse solutions that can be applied to reality and generate broad, comprehensive and inclusive knowledge.

Preparing the Americas for the next pandemic

Infectious diseases are emerging at a rate never seen before as a result of the global changes of the last century that favor the transmission of new viruses.

Science and knowledge in the plural: between activism and academia

Co-author Rebecca Lund Activism is a space for the construction of knowledge that is in constant dialogue with academic expertise for those who move between these two spheres.