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President Arevalo’s 100 days in Guatemala

Most countries that have faced autocratization processes have become autocracies despite intermediate democratic episodes. Therein lies the paramount importance of the government reaching consensus and remaining close to the people.

Guatemala: President Bernardo Arévalo faces the challenge of strengthening institutions

Although analysts and the population agree that the creation of a body such as CICIG or its return is urgently needed, in the current configuration of the power board it seems almost impossible to happen.

A glimmer of hope breaks through Guatemala’s crumbling institutions

In Guatemala, there is a glimmer of hope after the darkness of the last governments, still expectations must be cautious.

Guatemala: between blockades and trenches

Guatemala is experiencing tensions not seen for several decades, where the traditional political class has stretched the rope to the point it seems to be on the verge of bursting.

Guatemala’s elections could give the presidency to another former first lady

Coauthor Carolina Guerrero This Sunday, Guatemala's former first lady, Sandra Torres, could deepen the electoral success of former first ladies in Latin America if she becomes president.