We are facing an unprecedented environmental and climate crisis. A significant portion of the remaining natural ecosystems in the world is located within the...
True inclusion implies respecting the diversity of visions and allowing Indigenous peoples to be the protagonists of their own development, without imposing conservation models.
Historically, northern Argentina was part of the Collasuyu in the Inca imperial division, and even today it differs from other provinces in many cultural aspects.
South America is in the midst of a global competition for lithium. Hence, its citizens must be aware of the environmental and social impacts of these energies that are part of their governments' development plans.
Coauthor Fany Ramos Quispe
In view of the need for a dialogue in which a science can be built that considers the different fields of knowledge with equity, spaces for inter-scientific dialogue are opening up.
Sectors of the political class point to the recognition of plurinationality and an alleged excessive ambition of the indigenous peoples’ representatives one of the important factors of the defeat.