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Susana Reina

Psicóloga. Master en Políticas Públicas con enfoque de género. Especialista en Transformación Cultural y Coaching Ontológico. Directora de FeminismoINC. Autora de "Incomodar para Transformar" y "Atrevidas: Manual de trabajo personal por el activismo feminista".

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The cult of fertility and its implications for women’s autonomy

Is it possible to speak of a modern fertility cult today? Several factors come together to shape the revival of a pro-natal culture

Invisible and indispensable: pink-collar workers in Latin America 

They are also called the “pink ghetto” as a way of describing the limits women have in advancing their careers, as these jobs are often dead ends.

Out of school: Venezuelan adolescent girls at risk

In Venezuela, only 26.6% of women use contraceptives due to shortages, low income or lack of sex education.