One region, all voices


Silenced voices: the impact of workplace mobbing on Latin American women

Workplace mobbing, an insidious form of harassment that erodes the dignity and self-esteem of those who suffer from it, is a heartbreaking reality for many women in the region.

Brazil against Women

Setbacks in women's reproductive rights are related to the presence and violent language of extremist political leaders and disinformation processes.

Women Presidents and Prime Ministers: Exceptionality Continues?

Women who have achieved these positions have done so despite the persistence of gender roles and prejudices, based on the idea that public spaces for decision-making and the exercise of political power do not belong to them.

Unsafe sunsets: urban mobility and the condemnation of women to stay at home

Mobility reflects inequities rooted in social roles historically assigned to men and women, as cities are mostly designed and built by and for men. Consequently, this situation poses substantial obstacles for women in their routine activities.

Maximum available resources: a key standard for the right to care

When the gender approach is not considered in macroeconomic policies, it is women who end up cushioning the impact of crises through unpaid domestic and care work.

Women, political rights, and inequalities: Where are we in Latin America?

In Latin America there is still a long road ahead to achieve the desired parity, but women are still fighting; we continue leading, marching, demonstrating, participating, talking, agreeing and insisting that political spaces are spaces for women.