The feeling that the only possibility to change the country was lost continues to accumulate frustrations on a pile of disenchantment that was already too large.
Two months after the death of former President Piñera, his legacy is a subject of debate. For some, he was a builder of bridges and regional institutions, while others see him as the precursor of the radical populist right in the southern country.
The Chamber of Deputies approved and passed a bill that creates a new mixed pension system to the second constitutional procedure in the Senate. However, although the bill was approved in general, several key aspects were not included.
According to a study conducted in Chile, there is a high level of distrust in surveys, even among those who answer them regularly. Why are so many people suspicious of falsification and manipulation of data?
In Chile, during the last few weeks, the discussion on the elimination of student loans (CAE) has returned to the forefront in the context of the constitutional debate and the approval of the 2024 Budget.