The páramo plays a crucial role in providing water for the continent, not only from an ecological perspective but also from social and economic standpoints.
One of the major achievements of the event was the creation of a body for indigenous peoples and local communities, as well as the recognition of Afro-descendant peoples as custodians of biodiversity.
There are reasons to believe that the possibility of a presidential interruption or even a soft coup is not merely a “smokescreen” but rather a plausible risk.
The mistakes Petro's government has made, such as those related to ill-advised appointments and corruption scandals, should not overshadow the need to move forward with several social reforms.
President Petro has aligned his narrative with the Bolivarian government's by attributing migration to the economic sanctions imposed by the United States in 2019.
The last two decades have witnessed a broad reversal of democracy in the world. Fifteen countries out of 86 have lost their democratic governments. Today, a high proportion of the world's population — around 70% — live under semi-democratic or outright autocratic regimes.