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Ecuador and China: from exploratory diplomacy to an FTA

Through trade—not security or politics—China has found fertile ground to expand relations with U.S.-influenced countries like Ecuador.

A fragmented Ecuador heads to the polls

Ecuador has 290 registered political groups eligible to nominate candidates for local elections. The number of candidates vastly exceeds the positions available for the various offices.

Expansion of corporate influence on child nutrition policies

In Ecuador, the increasingly close collaboration between the food and beverage industry and the government raises serious concerns about the transparency of policies aimed at addressing chronic child malnutrition.

China and Ecuador: Media Influence of the new FTA

The Ecuadorian government has developed an intense agenda to publicize the key points for the first phase of implementation of the FTA with China.

Would decriminalization of drugs avoid scenarios like the one seen in Ecuador?

Drug decriminalization requires fundamental changes: both guarantees for effective law enforcement and systems of economic and social inclusion.

Why what happened in Ecuador is so serious and must be repudiated

The invasion of the Mexican embassy in Quito by the Ecuadorian police is a violation of the Vienna Convention and a huge setback in international and diplomatic law.