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Jair Bolsonaro

Bolsonaro, Lula, Bonaparte and Malaparte

Sixty years after the coup of 1964, the judicial investigation that compromises Bolsonaro he uses to campaign, follow the "Trump2024 style manual", reverse the burden of proof, accuse the Judiciary of persecuting him and seek to take revenge against his successor.

Post-Bolsonarism: a backfire?

Could the terrorist aggression of the Bolsonarist hordes against the pillars of the Brazilian institutional system have been an unexpected gift that favors the consolidation of democracy in that country?

Organized Lie and the Keys of the Bolsonarist Coup d’État Mentality 

Just as it happened with the failed Trumpist coup d'état of January 6, 2021, in Brazil, lies manufactured from above were incredibly taken as true and motivated actions from below.

Bolsonaro’s 100 years of secrecy

In four years of government, Jair Bolsonaro has imposed 100-year secrecy at least 65 times on the data of people around him, using the excuse of protecting their privacy.

From “mythical” to fraud: Brazilian presidential elections 2022

The 2022 Brazilian presidential elections were neither free nor fair. There is strong evidence that Jair Bolsonaro used government institutions politically and abused economic power for electoral gain.

Elections in Brazil and what Bolsonaro’s reelection would entail

If Bolsonaro wins in the second round he will radically increase his margin of maneuver to impose himself over the controls and subvert the Constitution, with the risk of shutting down the regime.