One region, all voices


The political discouragement of young Mexicans

In this year's upcoming elections, voters under 30 years will represent a considerable 27% of the electorate. Their interest in politics is low, and it is difficult for them to find effective mechanisms to make their voice heard.

Internet and School Violence

Coauthors Bruno Ferreira and Ester Athanásio According to a recent survey, hate speech spread on the Internet has increased in Brazil, with special emphasis on religious discrimination, xenophobia and neo-Nazism.

Societies in crisis favor extremism and suicide among young people

Coauthors Luís Carlos Petry and André Bakker da Silveira Some children and young people frustrated with their social and emotional conditions, having lost all hope, seek refuge in misogynistic groups that reinforce their feelings.

What school do we want for our young people in Brazil?

Coauthors Paula Alves and Michele Bravos Between 2002 and 2023, there were 24 attacks against schools in Brazil, resulting in 45 deaths and 137 injured people, according to the Sou da Paz Institute.

The role of schools in preventing violent extremism

Violence is a dynamic phenomenon related to the school environment that has long been neglected and underestimated by society and governments.

The role of indigenous youth in biodiversity conservation

In the communities that inhabit Abya Yala, the reconstitution of the territories of indigenous peoples and the processes of recognition of ancestral models of...