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Public security

Integral tourism safety: a tangible need

Tourists no longer only seek destinations for their attractiveness, but also for their personal safety. Therefore, it is essential that governments implement effective measures to promote visitor confidence.

Ecuador: War, Courts and Power

The precarious calm of the country after the decree already gives the president very high support. With a doubled legislative majority, Noboa relaunches neoliberal austerity and the search for mining investments, invoking the costs of peace.

Mexican elections: It’s the insecurity, stupid!

Although different authorities deny it or reduce it to local rather than national impacts, everything indicates that next June's results will be strongly shaped by a desire for survival.

The return of the militarization of public security in Honduras

While "iron fist" policies are not a novelty in Honduras, but the decision to militarize public security and the implementation of this kind of measure have aroused the concern of the international community.

How does insecurity affect a president’s popularity?

For some time now, insecurity and the feeling of imminent threat or violence have become for those in power a threat to their authority.

The Strategic Breakdown of Colombia’s Military Forces

An essential factor of human and multidimensional security has been neglected: controlling the territory and preventing the population from being encircled by criminals.