One region, all voices


The vital role of soil diversity for sustainable agriculture 

Soils are the silent foundation of our societies and define our cultures. More than a resource, soils are a reflection of our relationship with nature.

The “green polar bears”: The silent extinction

When we think of endangered species, do we ever think of plants? It’s time to change the narrative and recognize the "polar bears" of the plant kingdom before it’s too late.

Transdisciplinary science is key to achieving sustainability

Coauthors Camellia Kodia, Jihye Hwang, Rebecca Barnes Transdisciplinary science seeks integrated effort of different actors to create joint and diverse solutions that can be applied to reality and generate broad, comprehensive and inclusive knowledge.

Brazilian maritime space, sustainable and responsible for 20% of GDP, lacks investment

The Brazilian coast has significant potential for renewable energy generation, including wind, solar, ocean current and wave energy.

What politics must address on environmental matter

It is unavoidable to rethink our societies' development models and incorporate environmental issues into the political agenda.

World Environment Day: 50 years after its creation

Coauthor María Inés Carabajal Due to the negative effects that began to become evident in the 1960s, the first international conversations on the environment started in 1972.