One region, all voices


Our governments are insufficiently addressing the reduction of inequalities

We know that economic and social inequalities in Latin America are among the highest in the world. And these inequalities are not only a...

Intimate Inequalities: Menstrual Poverty in Latin America

It is essential that menstruation cannot be an obstacle for any woman, and it is the responsibility of society as a whole to ensure a level playing field for all.

Black Women, Inequalities and Hidden Racism

Black women have the lowest levels of schooling and, consequently, hold worse positions in the labor market compared to white women.

Taxing large fortunes can improve the health of Latin Americans

In Latin America and the Caribbean, the fortunes of the two richest men have grown by 70% since the start of the pandemic and are equivalent to the combined wealth of the poorest half of the region.

At this rate, it will take us almost 300 years to achieve gender equality

The lag in the installation of a comprehensive care system has a decisive impact on equity and equal rights between men and women.

What can we learn from the privatization of education in Chile?

Reducing inequality in education or in any other area requires, above all, reducing inequality in politics and public policies.