One region, all voices


Scientific Diplomacy for Climate Action in Times of Denialism

Conspiracy theories and distrust in science are not only part of the narratives, but are increasingly having an impact on the formulation of public policies.

Climate Change Deniers Harm Right-Wing Politics’ Image in the Eyes of the Market

The risks posed by global warming have become an unavoidable focus of the financial market, which is projected through what is known as "green finance".

From the dark room to entering the tunnel

Denialism and a shift to the far right that is pushing the planet towards a foretold catastrophe.

Vaccination (election) campaign in Brazil

If there is one thing that cannot be blamed on Bolsonaro it is his lack of coherence in dealing with the health crisis. If from the beginning he was part of the group of deniers together with Trump, Johnson or López Obrador, today the Brazilian president is the only one who continues to question the recommendations of the international scientific community.