One region, all voices

constituent process

Constitutional Referendum in Chile: a déjà vu in the land of paradoxes

After the successes of the Latin American left in 2022, the pendulum seems to swing back to the right in 2023.

The Great Consensus

The absence of consensus has been the most repeated mantra when judging the document delivered to President Gabriel Boric by the Constitutional Council that will be submitted to the plebiscite.

Chile: the Mirage of a Plurinational Country 

Sectors of the political class point to the recognition of plurinationality and an alleged excessive ambition of the indigenous peoples’ representatives one of the important factors of the defeat.

Chile: The day after tomorrow

Just as reading the October 2020 results as a triumph for the left was a mistake, interpreting these results as a blank check for the opposition to Boric's government is a temptation that should be avoided.

Constituent process and indigenous peoples in Chile

In the plebiscite it was approved to change the constitution by means of a Constitutional Convention. However, no seats were reserved for indigenous peoples and discussion on the issue was again postponed. This represents the latest expressions of the State's colonial relationship with the original peoples.