One region, all voices

Energy transition

Financing a sustainable transition

The initiatives of some central banks in the region against the climate emergency are limited to greater disclosure and transparency of information on emissions.

Petro, Biden and the Latin American energy transition

For Petro, the summit with Biden was an endorsement of his ambitious energy transition policy, which positions Colombia as the first oil-producing country to propose a ban on new exploration projects.

World Bank must focus on the energy transition

Calls to reform the World Bank, giving it a greater presence in financing climate change, have been multiplied

China’s role in Latin America’s energy transition

The global insertion model pursued by Latin America is in crisis because the world is facing an unprecedented climate emergency.

Latin America sidesteps energy transition

Many countries in the region continue to grant huge benefits to the oil industry.

How about taxing oil company profits to finance energy transition?

The energy transition requires financing and there are different instruments that could be used to self-finance it. One of them is windfall profits taxes.