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Paulina Valenzuela

Master in statistics from PUC Chile. Founding partner of DATAVOZ, a public opinion and market research agency in Chile. Member of the board of directors of WAPOR Latin America.

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Latin America’s children cannot wait

Protecting children's present and guaranteeing them a dignified future is an ethical duty that defines our humanity and the type of society we wish to build.

Chile: lessons of an election

The prominent presence of independent candidates in Chile highlights a broader trend across the region: voters' growing preference for figures with no ties to traditional parties.

Independent women: the new bet of the electorate in Chile?

Party independence has emerged as a trait that fosters trust in a political system perceived by many citizens as opaque and distant from their true interests.

Hate Speech: a Challenge for Democratic Coexistence

The prominence that these hate speeches have achieved is worrying because, among other things, it amplifies the visibility and resonance of already existing prejudices and contributes to the deterioration of social coexistence.

Do election polls deserve the current crisis of confidence?

According to a study conducted in Chile, there is a high level of distrust in surveys, even among those who answer them regularly. Why are so many people suspicious of falsification and manipulation of data?