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What is missing to condemn Bolsonaro?

Since the beginning of his mandate, Bolsonaro has been committing serial crimes. The question to ask is: what is missing to condemn Bolsonaro? More specifically: what keeps him in power?

The Vacancy of a President without a Party

Without a party to support him, in a context of escalating conflicts between the executive and legislative branches, with a ruling pending before the Constitutional Court for the demand of competence for the improper use of the vacancy cause of permanent moral incapacity, Vizcarra was unable to avoid this second vacancy process.

What is happening in Peru?

What is coming in the immediate future? Unfortunately, there is not much room for optimism. And we can only cross our fingers that the 2021 elections, which are being held in the midst of great dispersion and uncertainty, will generate a result that will allow the next government a minimum of viability to face future challenges.