One region, all voices


Beyond a Summit: Where Is the Future?

There is no intellectual orphanhood or numbness of ideas. Instead, there is a greater distraction to our senses and a significant economic concentration that prevents us from seeing our humanity from different perspectives.

Misery of Information

It is important to avoid superficial instrumentalism that promotes technological innovations in the digital era and instead focus on the political and economic factors shaping the dominant mode of information production.

Cybercrime: how to fight against cyberfraud

Sophisticated criminal networks are using cyberspace to commit new crimes against people carrying out their daily activities virtually.

Disinformation as a global risk in 2024: novelty or tradition?   

The phenomenon of disinformation is nothing new. What distinguishes it today is the omnipresent presence of the Internet and social networks, which have radically transformed the way we access information.

Elections 2024: the risks of disinformation

The risk of polarization is that it generates a social fracture that could lead us to an all-or-nothing result. The vote would not be for the support or rejection of a political platform, but a tool to silence those voices with which we differ.

“Influencer” autocracies and their harassment of democracies

Today, authoritarian regimes are adjusting their tactics of oppression and restriction of freedom to the digital age in their effort to undermine democratic institutions and affect the exchange of ideas.