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Manuel Lopez Obrador

Technical coup d’état

Why did Mexico's President Andrés Manuel López Obrador mention this week that the opposition is plotting a technical coup d'état via the Judiciary?

The ruling party positions itself in the State of Mexico for the 2024 elections

The common candidacy led by the ruling party Morena won the governorship of the State of Mexico and defeated the PRI-PAN-PRD-NA electoral alliance by more than eight points.

The (anti) democratic Judiciary

Latin America has witnessed a slow and sometimes unnoticed process of illegitimate control of Supreme Courts by presidents.

AMLO camouflages the ruling party’s internal election

On June 11, Morena's National Council met in Mexico City to legitimize the mechanism by which the candidate for Presidency will be chosen.

Rejection of Mexican electoral reform plan B

The ministers of the Court rejected, this week, the first part of López Obrador's plan B for electoral reform and have given legal reason to the opposition.

AMLO, on the hunt for public universities

The ruling party presented a reform initiative so that the next election of the UNAM's rector will not be held as has been the case since 1945.