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Santiago Leiras

Political Scientist. Associate Professor at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). PhD in Contemporary Latin America from the Instituto Universitario de Investigación Ortega y Gasset (Spain).

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Cuba: a predictable electoral process without citizen participation 

No uncertainty in its results. Cuba: a predictable electoral process without citizen participation.

Javier Milei’s 120 days: a déjà vu?

Milei has established a model of unconditional alignment with the “Western world”, in particular with the United States and Israel, which is consolidated with the request to join NATO.

Javier Milei, between necessity and urgency

Javier Milei has inaugurated a new political stage in which he proposes to make a fresh start on the assumptions on which the democratic process was based since 1983, in particular, and Argentine politics in the last century in general.