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Fabián Echegaray

Fabián Echegaray es director de Market Analysis, consultora de opinión pública con sede en Brasil, y actual presidente de WAPOR Latinoamérica, capítulo regional de la asociación mundial de estudios de opinión pública:

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Goodbye winters?

With radical changes in climate, our habits, perceptions, and reactions to the causes should change. But is that what public opinion data tell us?

The impact of AI on democratic politics: risk or opportunity?

There are many challenges in integrating artificial intelligence into institutional processes and political engineering, and there is no consensus on its advantages. This double reading will condition innovations and fuel demands for external regulation.

Brazil: where did all those protesters go?

The last twelve months have seen a deactivation of demonstrations and popular participation in Brazil that came as a surprise at least until Sunday, February 25, when Bolsonaro called on his supporters to show their mobilizing strength. How do we interpret the absence of mobilizations in the streets?

When political polarization reaches the pocketbook

If partisan sympathies or antipathies regulate affections and stiffen worldviews, models of society and prognoses about the future in such opposing ways, it should come as no surprise that every aspect of life becomes a trench.

The falsification of polls is also “fake news”

Latin America will hold six presidential elections in 2024. Along with the votes comes the effort to measure them through polls and to confuse and disorient voters through fake polls that fabricate results intending to shape the electoral mood of citizens.

The pandemic invented neoliberal interventionism

The pandemic has exposed governments to a number of new dilemmas. Respecting civil liberties or social control? Some of the leadership would seem to have shipwrecked in the face of these dilemmas or, worse, to have turned the intensification of these contradictions into a form of governance.