One region, all voices


Brazil advances in Building a National Policy for Refugees and Migrants

The social participation of refugees and migrants has become a central issue in debates on integration policies in host countries. Recognizing that these individuals...

No Human Being Is Illegal

From a human rights perspective, what we are witnessing in the United States is a significant regression in migration policies, highlighting the current collapse of Kantian liberal cosmopolitan hospitality.

Why Do We Laugh at Our Own Deportees?

Mockery eliminates any urgent reflection we should have on deportations. In the end, laughter only exposes our indifference to the pain of others.

Canada in Latin America: the decline of the migration oasis myth under U.S. influence  

Canadians' support for new immigrants entering the country has gradually deteriorated since the pandemic, following a pattern of incitement of anti-immigrant sentiment by right-wing politicians.

The World Should Take Note of Brazil’s Refugee Policy

The Brazilian model holds promise for refugee situations in the Americas and around the world, where fatigued donors and beleaguered hosts try to marginalize refugees.

Donald Trump and the return of the spectacle of the Wall

The Wall became a national obsession, a sort of institution of the American state, capable of overcoming the differences between Republicans and Democrats.