One region, all voices


Vulnerabilities exposed by sea level rise

In Panama, between 2% and 3% of the currently existing land area will be affected by sea level rise by 2050.

Migrants in Brazil mobilize for health policies

The role of mobilizations has been important in driving health policies for migrant populations in Brazil, which in turn also benefit nationals.

Super Election Year: Migration, Freedom and Democracy

Migration has become a central part of the campaign discourse across the political spectrum. In this scenario, narratives that stigmatize migrants and refugees and promote xenophobic actions, are increasingly frequent.

Climate change also causes migration

Hunger, food insecurity and the rise of various diseases caused by climate change, as well as the global loss of biodiversity, force millions of people to leave their homes every year.

The inseparable connections among climate change, migration, and the environment

The affected people, predominantly from the global South, in their attempt to reach the United States or Europe, may inadvertently contribute to additional environmental concerns along their route, particularly in vital areas to the ongoing efforts to fight against climate change.

Every hour 37 Venezuelans crossed the Darien in 2023 

As of August 2023, 7.71 million Venezuelans had massively emigrated, a phenomenon that began to be registered notably in 2015. The vast majority of them are based in countries in the region.