One region, all voices

Latin America and the integral development

The updating of the concept of 'development' has, at this time, direct implications regarding the debate on what direction to give to Latin American societies.
International Relations




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La política de América Latina en 2024


Finalmente Unión Europea y el Mercosur llegan a un acuerdo


Trump and the New Feminist Challenge: Lessons for Latin America

Trump's return is a reminder of the fragility of conquered rights and the need for constant vigilance.

Electoral evaluation of 2024: more disinformation and less capacity to combat it

Although for years various academic and governmental institutions, think tanks and specialists have been working to design measures to combat disinformation, the mechanisms to influence elections are becoming increasingly sophisticated.

Trump: a spokesman for anger

These types of politicians are endearing, not because their voters expect significant changes in the substantive aspects of their lives, but because their main function is to punish the establishment.


The Mercosur-European Union Agreement: the Weight of Asymmetries

Intra-Mercosur asymmetries would tend to increase in the face of a significant flow of imports from more developed third countries.

Trump and the New Feminist Challenge: Lessons for Latin America

Trump's return is a reminder of the fragility of conquered rights and the need for constant vigilance.

Electoral evaluation of 2024: more disinformation and...

Although for years various academic and governmental institutions, think tanks and specialists have been working to design measures to combat disinformation, the mechanisms to influence elections are becoming increasingly sophisticated.

Trump: a spokesman for anger

These types of politicians are endearing, not because their voters expect significant changes in the substantive aspects of their lives, but because their main function is to punish the establishment.


Is advancing hydrocarbon exploitation a risk for Argentina?

Little is mentioned about the financial risks to the country, and even less about the existential threat to humanity posed by continuing reliance on oil.

Electoral evaluation of 2024: more disinformation and less capacity to combat it

Although for years various academic and governmental institutions, think tanks and specialists have been working to design measures to combat disinformation, the mechanisms to influence elections are becoming increasingly sophisticated.

Trump: a spokesman for anger

These types of politicians are endearing, not because their voters expect significant changes in the substantive aspects of their lives, but because their main function is to punish the establishment.

Sex for votes, the new scandal in the Peruvian Congress

Procuring joins the long list of very serious crimes for which officials or members of the Peruvian Parliament are being investigated by the justice system.

El resumen semanal de los temas más importantes de la región


El editor recomienda

Harris y Trump

El editor recomienda

Harris or Trump: What’s better for Latin America?

A Harris victory, which represents continuity, would offer a more favorable scenario both economically and politically for U.S.-Latin America relations.
Jerónimo Giorgi

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PT Investigador en opinión pública, encuadramiento discursivo en los medios y ciencias sociales computacionales. Director Ejecutivo de la encuestadora IPSE.
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Political scientist and economist. PhD from the University of Toronto. Senior Editor at Global Brief Magazine. Social Research Design Specialist at RIWI Corp. (Real-Time Interactive World-Wide Intelligence).
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Director of CIEPS - International Center for Political and Social Studies, AIP-Panama. Professor Emeritus at the University of Salamanca and UPB (Medellín). Latest books: "The profession of politician" (Tecnos Madrid, 2020) and "Traces of a tired democracy" (Océano Atlántico Editores, 2024).
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Professor and researcher at the Institute of Social and Political Studies of the State Universityt of Rio de Janeiro (IESP/UERJ). Coordinator of the South American Political Observatory (OPSA). PhD in Political Science from Vanderbilt University.
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Historian and professor at Chapman University (California). PHd from Harvard University. His writings on Latin American politics have appeared in The New York Times and The Washington Post, among other international media.
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